A2 Lite doesn't have automatically disable fly mode?


As per title, turning to the keyboard side will automatically disable fly mode is not working on A2 Lite. Is that feature only available on A3?
As far as I'm aware this is normal operation, I will have to dig out my A3 to test but I know my A2 Lite, A2 Lite backlit and A3 backlit all do the same, the only time the fly mouse deactivates is if you use the Dpad.
A3 Fly mode activated - turn to keyboard side the cursor halts while you type. Switch back to top side cursor moves.
A3 Fly mode activated - turn to keyboard side the cursor halts while you type. Switch back to top side cursor moves.
It's funny I've never noticed that on the A3, I have a motor reflex reaction in that I always hit the fly mouse before flipping over maybe thats why.