Auto switch to best resolution and Auto switch to best Dolby Vision problems

Hi, in Android 9.0 when you select auto swith to either best resolution or Dolby Vision, the Android environment is switching in HDR or Dolby Vision for good. In mean You are playing NON HDR or NON Dolby Vision content to be played in those mode. It's not a good thing. I have to manually turn off each of those modes (HDR, Dolby Vision) to be able to not have them playing or displaying everything in HDR or Dolby Vision. And when I choose HDR or Dolby Vision content I cant play them in their modes because I have manually turned off those features.

Is there a way to configure the NEO U22-XJ to play :

HDR stuff in HDR
SDR stuff to play in SDR
Dolby Vision to play in Dolby Vision

In fact, I want the NEO to switch automatically in the good mode

Like the 'Automatic refresh rate' that automatically adjust the video frame rate. I know that this feature is missing and should be released soon.
But does will correct the Dolby Vision HDR bug ?