Custom resolution size

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Hi everybody,
I need to set a custom resolution to my Minix U22-XJ, for example 2560x1080 or 1280x768.

I didn't find any setting from the menu and it always get a 1920x1080 result resolution even if the display has a different one and it stretches the content.

I also tried "adb shell wm size WxH" command but the result is the same: 1920x1080 screen with black spaces above or to the sides and a stretched output in the middle.

If I run "adb shell wm size" command I always get the physical size result as 1920x1080 even if I connect the Minix to a different display resolution (for example a 21:9 display).

Can anyone help me?
I need to set a custom resolution to my Minix U22-XJ, for example 2560x1080 or 1280x768.

Unfortunately, the NEO U22 does not support this display resolution.