Ethernet connection issues after upgrading to 7


New member
i upgraded to the non official firmware upgrade some weeks ago. soon after i started having problems with the ethernet connection and i had to restart the box. lately even a restart does not help, only through wifi it can access the internet/network.
Please check and install STABLE firmwares:
1-You have Marshmallow
2-You have nougat (CE firmware)
This nougat ROM works perfect for me and it is the most recent.

-You should don't have any network issues also with the first ROM
-Before flash the device again check your connections , apps installed....
-Disable even if it is temporarily VPN (if you use)
-Connect your minix to the router (cable, directly), and disconnect switches, other routers (if you have)
-Check your cables, minix settings and your router configuration
-restart all devices
-last but not least do a factory reset: router and minix (only do this if anything else don't work).
Don't forget to do a backup first.