Just upgraded to u9-h from x8-h, have a menu bar problem.


Hi, can anyone help me out? Just upgraded my x8-h, which I was happy with for years, to a u9-h.
So far the u9 seems a bit more buggy and unstable than the x8 was.

My problem is when the device boots up to the minix launcher home screen, the black status bar keeps appearing across the bottom of the screen. Every time I have press the arrow down button on the right hand side to minimize it, like I had to do on the x8. But every time I boot the box up, the bar is across the bottom again and I have to minimize it. But on the x8 I never had to do this, once it was minimized it stayed hidden.

Is there any way to fix this? I’ve upgraded the box to the latest ota update, so it should be all up to date now.

On the minix metro launcher screen press and hold the Menu button on your remote

this toggles the bottom menu on and off... it should stay on or off on a reboot
On the minix metro launcher screen press and hold the Menu button on your remote

this toggles the bottom menu on and off... it should stay on or off on a reboot

Thanks a lot, seemed to work now.

Just one more thing, I notice with this u9 compared to the x8, there’s a blue light constantly shining from inside the box even when powered off. Is there any way to stop this or am I stuck with it. This never happened on the x8 when powered off.
Thanks a lot, seemed to work now.

Just one more thing, I notice with this u9 compared to the x8, there’s a blue light constantly shining from inside the box even when powered off. Is there any way to stop this or am I stuck with it. This never happened on the x8 when powered off.
If you press remote control power off the box (U9-H) by default goes to sleep mode.
You can turn off the light completly by using shutdown mode.
Thanks a lot, seemed to work now.

Just one more thing, I notice with this u9 compared to the x8, there’s a blue light constantly shining from inside the box even when powered off. Is there any way to stop this or am I stuck with it. This never happened on the x8 when powered off.
No. But it may be possible with a firmware update. I am not sure or sure why, if it is possible, has not already been done.