Minix U9-H firmware upgrade


New member
hi awhile ago i recieved the u9h update the one that fixes the green line; i wasn't able to get this to load and haven't been updated since. i tried the hard reset but the android died. since i have just done factory reset to clean out my box and then reprogram. i realize new kodi (19.1) is real slow, terribly slow, but i find that even the u9h has gotten slow, kinda sticky slow, Also i keep having kodi changed while i sleep even if i click off update.I am debating on trying the new firmware that changes from 6 to 7 but that past update issue has me concerned. i live in Ontario and finding a repair place for MINIX is not likely, muchless the fact i spent alot of stressful months learning how to program kodi etc so i didnt have to pay these people everytime kodi changed while i was sleeping, someone help/suggest what to do about updates firmware and dead androids, please! i am better with the box not to good with laptops.