please help neo u9 h can t run youtube 4k

please help me, my minix just show 1080p on youtube

Try this:
Open in a web browser. In the U9 you will need to have the factory installed Chrome version (not updated) to achieve this, as with the updated versions you won't no longer be able to watch the YouTube videos in the desktop version of the site.
In the browser options choose "site for computer" or your language equivalent.
Select the 4k video to watch and in the video options select the 4k option.

4k capable TV set
Flawless ultra fast internet connection, Ethernet connected if available.

Most YouTube Android apps are only 1080p capable.
Newest YouTube TV app is 4k capable but resolution is chosen automatically to the best playing performance, and so it tends to almost unnoticeably drop to 2k or 1080p automatically under any decrease of Internet performance.

My experience, should you have a WebOS TV use the TV built-in web browser instead, even with a not so great wifi connection it will very likely work well.
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