U9-H Lan port issue


New member

Got a U9-H with the Community update. It works great but the Lan port keeps failing/stopping.
Every time my U9-H wakes up from standby there is no network available on the lan port. Internet, Youtube and other service wont work.. Kodi cant see my windows pc etc.
I need to unplug the network cable (i have have tried other cables and switch ports) and plug back in and then it then it works fine. Streaming, internet etc all now work.

Frustrating thing is there is no area/menu to see if its getting a ip address or check the LAN settings.

Anything i can do to reset/test?
Restart both minix and router.

Latest U9-H CE ROM does not have (i think) static ip option but you can see your ip.

If you can add a static lease (for U9-H) on your router, use minix in dhcp mode, it is the best setup.
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