[GUIDE] Updating BIOS UEFI using GNU/Linux (NO Windows needed)


New member
Hello there,

First of all, thanks to the excellent support that the Minix support team gave via E-Mail using support@minix.com.hk
Contact them if you need technical help. They seem to be very competent and usually answer on the same day. Many thanks to them!

Now, if you use Minix Z100-0DB with GNU/Linux only, there's a very easy way to update it's firmware (AKA BIOS) without having to use Windows.

-Download the BIOS update from this MEGA link, called "MINIX NEO Z100-0dB AD0J0181 20240308.zip" and decompress it:

>>>>>Z100-0DB BIOS update download link<<<<<

(Should the MEGA link go down, ask the support team on support@minix.com.hk)

-Open a terminal window.
-Install the GNU/Linux flashrom utility. Using Debian/Ubuntu it's as simple as:
sudo apt-get install flashrom
-Get a backup of your current BIOS flash contents, just in case something goes wrong:
flashrom --programmer internal -c "Opaque flash chip" -r bios_flash_backup.bin
-Flash the new BIOS using flashrom and the flashrom file included in this post's attachment, which is called AD0J0181.bin:
flashrom --programmer internal -c "Opaque flash chip" -w AD0J0181.bin

After the flashing process is complete, you can safely reboot the computer and enter the BIOS menu by repeatedly pressing DELETE to re-adjust the settings to your liking.
Here you have it: firmware updating without infesting your very nice Z100-0DB with Windows.
Thank you for that.

I still think the best way to update the BIOS is to use a bootable USB device.

That way we don't need any OS, avoiding other problems.

I think MINIX should also provide that solution.
@notrui Indeed, they should provide a way to update without an OS. That is possible using UEFI shell interface, as I detailed here:

However, the MINIX team should provide a ready-to-flash disk image that updates the BIOS. It's relatively easy because UEFI can autoexec commands on a script file at start. But that's their work :)
Did the update using Linux method (UEFI method did not work).
The update in fact downgrade the BIOS version from 2.22.1289 to 2.22.1287 - is it normal ?
Did the update using Linux method (UEFI method did not work).
The update in fact downgrade the BIOS version from 2.22.1289 to 2.22.1287 - is it normal ?
That's just the AMI Aptio Setup version. I don't know why that would change?
I didn't notice that before I updated the BIOS.

The BIOS version is:
Project Version AD0J0.181 R
Build Date and Time 03/01/2024 18:17:53

For me before the update:
Project Version AD0J0.151 R
Build Date and Time 11/23/2024 17:38:18