Firmware V4 and Samba

Hi guys, CONFIRMED the update worked for FOTA. Now to the other question and FYI. You are using the SMB Protocol V1, which is a major security risk for lan users,. I did not expect this, and anyone using samba to connect to windows, turn on you windows SMB V1. I also recognize this will help for older hardware compatibility, like NAS etc, but will you update this next time to the current security protocols for SMB V2 or at least give the option of choosing V1 or V2 compatibility?
To enable SMB1 on Windows:
  1. Search in the start menu for 'Turn Windows features on or off' and open it.
  2. Search for 'SMB1. 0/CIFS File Sharing Support' in the list of optional features that appears, and select the checkbox next to it.
  3. Click OK and Windows will add the selected feature.
Thank you for the update!!
PS: Connects no problem to windows PC, will update on my linux boxes.

I am running Lunix Fedora 32 64Bit, and you need to add the following entry to smb.conf ([global] section)

client min protocol = NT1

(Don't forget to run testparm to make sure you entered it correctly and no errors at the command line)
It will ask for your user and password that you set on the U22 box. Just check off in the linux box remember forever and ur good to go.
Hope this helps.
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