Is it possible to install Windows on the U9-H?


I've had my U9-H for just over a year now and I have had nothing but problems with it. I won't go into details but after doing various updates I've decided the OS is just unstable for my needs. I've never been able to run it satisfactorily for any decent period of time.

With this in mind I was wondering if it's possible to install Windows on the U9-H box instead. Are the necessary drivers available? I'm assuming this isn't going to be possible because of the architecture but just wanted to check.

Thanks in advance.
Yes, I second CoreElec. I also had issues with the android OS. I found out about CoreElec (and LibreElec) on these forums and gave them a try. Now I run CoreElec and am very happy with it's performance. I am still running it off an SD card, but do intend to flash it to the box as soon as I come to terms with Putty and SSH. :p