Minix u9-h ipv6

I am using the Minix u9-h as my living room player. Shared my files from the PC in the bedroom (using Win 10).
When I watch movies for example using Kodi (but every other player does it) there is audio lag every 2-6 minutes.
I know how to fix that - just have to disable ipv6 on the file server (the PC) and everything is smooth again.
The question is why do I have to do that? I've read that disabling ipv6 could lead to slight worse performance but I would like not to harm my beast gaming pc's speeds :)
I am using router with ipv6 compatibility (Linksys AC 1600). Which leaves for the Minix to not be compatible with ipv6?
Is that correct. If that is the case could maybe usb ethernet dongle be the solution?

Oh forgot to mention that i only use wired connections. Not using wireless on Minix or PC.
